Rob van der Woude's Scripting Pages

News Archives 2023 Q3


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• "Big Alain" notified me that my code using CHOICE to generate a delay in batch files was outdated.
It was based on the syntax of MS-DOS's CHOICE command, in Windows 10 its syntax has altered slightly, enough to break the original code.
Separate Windows 10 code has been added to the batch delays page.

Thanks Alain


• A bug was found in ActivateWindow.exe: it would not return the proper errorlevels.
This has been fixed.


ActivateWindow.exe has been updated again: The new functionality was based on code by Hans Passant on

Thanks Hans


ActivateWindow.exe has been updated: The latter functionality was based on code by Jorge Ferreira on

Thanks Jorge


• Andrew Dent submitted a simple way to remove leading zeroes from minutes and seconds.

Thanks Andrew


• Inspired by yesterday's base64 addition, I investigated CERTUTIL's features and "discovered" its -hashfile switch.
So I added a new page on generating file hashes in batch files.
• Likewise I also added a page on hexadecimal file encoding and decoding.



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page last modified: 2023-10-30; loaded in 0.0081 seconds